Boeing B737 MAX Training

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86% of people interviewed* said they would recommend NOVAE to their friends and family.

Teaching objectives

First, this course gives you the opportunity to discover Boeing company and its wide range of aircraft. Then,  you can identify its best-selling aircraft, the B737, its different sizes, intermediary changes as well as the evolution of previous generations (B737 MAX-10). 

It explores the aircraft structure. It details in depth the various systems such as embedded mechanical engineering, avionics and propulsion systems (LEAP 1B). Finally, you will learn about the organization of the technical documentation as well as the scheduled aircraft maintenance.

Notice: This training is intended for companies wishing to upgrade the skills of their employees. If you are a private individual you will not be able to follow this training. However, NOVAE offers training courses for individuals in the aeronautical maintenance sector.

Training course content

  • Boeing Industry - Introduction & Concepts
  • Aircraft models & their Performance
  • Maintenance Organization
  • Technical Documentation
  • Primary & Secondary Airframes
  • Cockpit Layout
  • Electrical Generation & Distribution
  • Hydraulic Generation & Distribution
  • Landing gear, Brakes & NWS
  • Primary & Secondary Flight Controls
  • Lights & Electrical Bonding
  • Indicating/ Recording Systems & Warnings
  • Fuel & Fire Protection
  • Pneumatic & Ice Protection
  • Air conditioning & Cabin Pressurization
  • Oxygen & Water systems
  • Autoflight
  • Radio Communications
  • Cabin & Safety Equipments
  • Powerplant LEAP 1B
  • APU

Method of Distribution and validation of learning

A multiple-choice examination will validate your technical knowledge.

Level of previous knowledge required

To register to the course B737 MAX -7/8/9/10 - LEAP 1B, you need to have more than two months of experience in the aviation industry and/or to be part of a company linked to the sector.

Document issued if assessment passed

Certificate of Completion

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* Survey conducted from September 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021 among trainees who have started training in one of our centers.

Boeing B737 MAX

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Boeing B737 MAX

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Les informations recueillies sur ce formulaire sont enregistrées dans un fichier informatisé par NOVAE pour permettre de vous établir un devis de formation. La base légale du traitement est le consentement.

Les données collectées seront communiquées aux seuls destinataires suivants : NOVAE Services.

Les données nécessaires à la réalisation de votre devis sont conservées pendant 2 ans maximum.

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  • On request
  • Company
  • Available in intra-company
  • English Français
  • Available in remote learning
  • Available in face-to-face
  • 10 maximum
  • 5 days

To find out about the terms and conditions, access times or our measures for people with a handicap, please contact us.

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Specializing in training for professionals in the aviation industry, ranging from industrial maintenance to Flight Attendants for airlines, NOVAE Training Solutions provides customized training courses that meet your professional requirements as well as civil or military aviation certifications. Our training courses target various audiences (aircraft engineers, aerospace engineering department personnel, senior technicians) from the Air Force and Civil Air Transport, operating on various types of aircraft (airplane, helicopter). Our approved aviation training centers are open all year round and issue your certificates, certifications and licenses depending on the training course. Contact our instructors for further information.